Thursday, 29 November 2012

FAQ: Phishing to Hack Email Account Passwords

Hack RuneScape User Account Password | RuneScape Phishing

I have told you how to hack various sites using phishing, like Facebook, Gmail, RapidShare, etc. Now, I am adding one more article about how to hack Runescape account using Runescape Phishing.

Before we start Please Note: Phishing is legally offensive. I am not responsible for any action done by you.

How to Hack RuneScape Account Password?

1. First of all download RuneScape Phisher from here.

2. The downloaded folder contains two files:
  • Index.htm and
  • update.php
3. Now, sign up for free webhost or webhosting service like:
4. After you login to your account, go to File Manager and upload these two files mentioned in Step 2.

5. Now, send this phisher link (index.html link) to your victim and make him login to his Runescape account using your sent Phisher.

5. Once he logs in to his Runescape account using Phisher, all his typed Runescape id and password is stored in "passwords.txt". This file is created in your webhost control panel as shown below.

6. So, you have obtained Runescape password and can easily hack runescape account.

So friends, I hope you are now able to hack Runescape account password using Runescape Phishing. I have tried my best to keep this tutorial simple to help you hack runescape account.

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!

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